Process Memoir 7: OpenScript

Hosted by Proteo Media|Facilitated by Benedict Nguyen|Curated by TheREDprojectNYC

Join us Tuesday January 26th from 6PM-7PM as Proteo hosts Benedict Nguyen and TheREDprojectNYC’s Process Memoir 7: OpenScript! During this collaborative writing workshop we invite artists from our communities to come together where we will collectively process, think and write. The workshop will be hosted on zoom and link to registration below.

Through Process Memoir 7: OpenScript, Mercer and his team (TheREDprojectNYC) hosts a series of facilitated think-tanks geared toward developing collaborative, yet thought driven writing practices. Focusing on the importance of collective vision, reflection and possibility, this workshop, and the material guided within it, are exercises stemming from Mercer's current six year project “A Process Anthology; The Decade from Hell and the Decade that Followed Suite.

Click here to register

Insight from Benedict: 

I've been thinking about how to not burden my creative practices with the expectation that it do grand political labor. I've been thinking about privacy and social media performance and alternative forums for distribution and discourse. I'm thinking about how to write about work.”

Benedict Nguyen - Headshot - 9-12-20.JPG

Benedict Nguyen

Benedict Nguyen is a writer, dancer, and curator based on occupied Lenape and Wappinger lands (South Bronx, NY). As the 2019 Suzanne Fiol Curatorial Fellow at ISSUE Project Room, they created the multidisciplinary performance platform “soft bodies in hard places.” Their writing has appeared in AAWW’s the Margins, the Brooklyn Rail, Diacritics, and forthcoming in Pank, among others.  They publish a monthly-ish newsletter “first quarter moon slush” and are sometimes online @xbennyboo.

OpenScript is a part of Process memoir 7: Volumes on Black Philosophy, Othered Possibility, and Freedom through Unrestricted Imagination, The process memoir is a series of facilitated events/projects commissioned to ignite collaboration within the TRPNYC network. Unlike other process memoirs, this chapter of the process anthology renders itself outside of the context of performing product. All of the collaborations/commissions are connected through various themes on time and in space. PM7’s collaborations run throughout the years 2021 & 2022.” 

Click here to register

**Proteo Media + Performance's educational and community events strive towards Universal Design for Learning principles. It is our goal to make participation accessible to everyone who wishes to join! This workshop will include live closed captioning and any handouts will be formatted for screen readers. If there are other ways we can accomodate your participation needs and learning styles, please let us know!


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